Senin, 01 Juli 2013

Blboth And Equite And Ereally Company's Crisis Management Plan Leaked To Greenpeace

  Blboth And Equite And Ereally Company's Crisis Management Plan Leaked To Greenpeace

Blboth And Equite And Ereally Company's Crisis Management Plan Leaked To Greenpeace - In my ongoing search for case histories worthy of mention, I came upon this now-dated press release from Greenpeace about the leak of a crisis management plan. It's a case history unto itself, a lesson about how public relations professionals can create a crisis. I have changed the names of each the national PR firm and as well the manufacturer since of the fact There is certainly no reason that either, which are both still in business, need to be damaged right now by a mistake made in 1991, alalthough I admit that most will figure out the manufacturer's identity. [The Leaked program Press Release] Seattle, may possibly 13, 1991 (GP) -- A public relations "Crisis Management plan" prepared for the Blboth and equite Corporation and leaked to Greenpeace recommends labeling environmental critics as "terrorists," threatening to sue "unalterably green" journalists, and dispatching "independent scientists" on media tours as means to counteract bad news for the chlorine industry. The plan, prepared by the public relations division of BigName Communications, was apparently prompted by fears thin the environmental group would target loved ones use of chlorine blevery single and require its elimination. Greenpeace has an international technique aimed at ending the use of chlorine in the pulp and paper industry. Its slogan "Chlorine-Free by 1993" is cited within the Blefairly plan, which outlines numerous "worst case scenarios" in which Greenpeace and "unalterably green" journalists figure prominently. "They failed to anticipate the worst of worst case scenarios," said Shelley Stewart, Greenpeace toxics campaigner."That some conscientious person would obtain the plan, and leak it to us." Greenpeace verified that BigName Communications, one of the nation's largest Advertising and public relations entities, is below contract to Blevery. One portion of the leaked document is comprised of a fax transmission between two BigName offices. ... [ Read More Blboth And Equite And Ereally Company's Crisis Management Plan Leaked To Greenpeace ]

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